Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 5 Team C Perceptual Mapping & Distance Matrix

Concepts of Perceptual Mapping & Distance Matrix

Day 5 Morning 9am to 11.45 am

Perceptual Mapping is used to communicate the complex relationships between marketplace competitors and the criteria used by buyers in making purchasing decisions and recommendations.

It can be used to plot interrelationship of consumer products, industrial goods, institutions & populations. Almost all subjects that can be rated on a range of attributes can be mapped to show their relative positions in relation both to other subjects as well as to the evaluative attributes.

Where is it used?
Perceptual maps may be used for market segmentation, concept development and
Evaluation and tracking changes in marketplace perceptions among other uses.

Why is it used?
Its powerful graphic simplicity appeals to senior management
and can stimulate discussion and strategic thinking at all levels of all types of

There are two types of Perceptual Mapping:
1. Overall Similarity: Grouping of objects with Similarity in pairs.
2. Attribute: Ratings are given based on attributes

Example taken was Beverages. A group of seven students were asked to give ratings to beverages as shown in the below image. Ratings were given from 0-9.Zero being least similar beverages and Nine being most similar beverage.

A Distance matrix was created in Excel as shown in above image

A Distance matrix is a matrix (two-dimensional array) containing the distances, taken pairwise, of a set of points. This matrix will have a size of N×N where N is the number of points, nodes or vertices (often in a graph).

Data was copied in a notepad as shown below & saved. 

Output was obtained using Permap software as shown below.

In this way we can see pepsi and coke as similar attributes and slice and mazaa are similar depending upon distance between them.

Submitted By :
Rohit Thorat
Team C

References: http://www.populus.com/files/Perceptual%20Mapping_f_1.pdf

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