Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 6- Team (Sidharth Sivapurapu)

We were introduced to the working of Perceptual Mapping techniques in the class on Wednesday which further simplifies analyzing the data from the Market Research conducted. The entire 2 sessions were dedicated to the understanding of the working of the PerMaps.

PERMAP is a program that uses multidimensional scaling (MDS) to reduce multiple pairwise relationships to 2-D pictures, commonly called perceptual maps. The use of MDS for the construction of perceptual maps is well developed and several computer programs are available. The purpose of PERMAP is to provide particularly convenient method of producing perceptual maps and to do so in a way that helps the researcher avoid a number of common mistakes, as described in following sections. A fully interactive, visually oriented tool has some important advantages for these purposes and was a prime consideration in PERMAP's development.
Usefulness of Perceptual Maps:
A major advantage ofMDS and perceptual maps is that they deal with problems associated with substantiating and communicating results based on data involving more than two dimensions. An additional advantage of using perceptual maps is that they are low in experimental contamination. That is, the method does not require a prior knowledge of the attributes or stimuli to be mapped. Another important aspect of perceptual maps is that they are forgiving of missing or imprecise data points. Whereas some analytical techniques cannot tolerate missing elements in the input matrix, MDS results are often unaffected.
Existing Perceptual Mapping Difficulties:
Although the theory behind making perceptual maps is well developed, its application has been controversial. There are four major concerns that PERMAP can help alleviate. These include avoiding local minima (i.e., configurations that are optimal with respect to small changes in configuration but not optimal with respect to all possible changes), proving complete convergence, minimizing the influence ofoutliers, and combining multiple correlation matrices. With care, batch-operated programs can be used in such a manner that all ofthese difficulties are properly addressed, but moving to a visually interactive program renders these difficulties easier to deal with.

- By Sidharth Sivapurapu
Team F

1 comment:

  1. Perceptual mapping is a diagrammatic technique used by asset marketers that attempts to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. The positioning of a brand is influenced by customer perceptions rather than by those of businesses. Want to learn how to draw perceptual maps? You can find some perceptual map templates in the diagram community of Creately to be used freely.
